Sunday, March 6, 2011


Gas is to damn high. Obama needs to tap into the oil reserve. He is doing nothing about it. He does not have to worry about it because he doesn't have to pay for gas as president.

The Wisconsin Democratic senators are cowards. They need to return to the states and do the job that they were elected to do. The Republicans did not go run and hide when the Democrats took over in 2006. Get back and do your job you cowards. I'm glad Governor Walker is going to impose a $100 fine for everyday the don't return.

We have a problem in America. We are dealing with a president who is sitting back and watching the U.S. decline. He is not doing anything about our true problems that is facing America. He thinks he is fixing the problems, but in fact he is just making them worse.

Friday, February 25, 2011


On Monday's post, I talked a little about the Gallup Poll and how they asked the question "Who is the greatest US president of all time?" The number one president is Ronald Reagan. Number seven on the list is the current president Barack Obama. How the hell is Obama one of the greatest president of all time. He has only been in office for 2.5 years. What has he done that has put him on the list? Can anyone tell me what he has done? Anyone. Anyone. I think I might be able to tell you. He has done nothing to even remotely deserve to be on the list. George W. Bush is number 11 on the list. He did more in eight years than a lot of presidents do in an entire term. How can you even put Obama on the list?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sorry i have not written for a week. Apparently school work is a top priority.

Last week, the president introduced his budget. The budget does not cut enough. The Republicans want to go back to the 2008 spending levels. President Obama ignored the Debt Commission that he had hired to tell him what to do. Last week the Gallup Poll released a poll saying 68% of Americans disagree with how the president is handling the economic issues. That was before he came out with his 2012 budget. I am guessing that the number will rise to the high 70's or low 80's, but that is a guess. Obama said while running for president that he was going to be a friend of businesses, yet his budget is going to unload a lot of taxes.
In the budget there is $77 billion for education. What is education doing with all this money? The test scores for schools keep getting worse. They don't need that much money. They clearly are not doing anything with the money to improve test scores. As I said before, Obama doesn't want to get re-elected because he came out with this bad budget. The budget will badly hurt America in the long run. There is nothing good about the 2012 budget, unless you listen to the left lie. Even some people on the left don't think Obama is cutting enough money.
In 2008, then president George W. Bush release his 2008 budget.
Mandatory Spending- $1.788 trillion
Social Security- $608 Billion
Medicare- $386 Billion
Medicaid- $209 Billion
Unemployment- $324 Billion
Discretionary Spending- $1.114 trillion
Dept of Defense- $481.4 Billion
Dept of Education- $56 Billion

Those are just some of the cuts that Bush made in his 2008 budget. You can find some of the other cuts at websites around the internet. Today, February 21, 2011, 48.8% of the American people approve of the president. 45.3% of the American people disagree with the president. Gallup Poll asked people "Who do you regard as the greatest United States president?" The answer that most people gave was Ronald Reagan. How can people not like Ronald Reagan? The top ten include
I have a problem with people saying that Obama is on the list. He has only been president for 2.5 years. He has not done anything that has been good for America. I think that the only reason he is on the list is because he is the first African American president. George W. Bush was not put on any list while he was president. The current president should not be put on the list.

Monday, February 14, 2011

2012 Budget Proposal

Today, February 14, 2011, President Obama introduced his 2012 Budget to Congress. Jack Lew, U.S. Office of Management and Budget Director said, "In the next five years we are freezing discretionary spending in which means $400 billion of savings and that means real cuts. We are making cuts." The GOP's response to that is that it does not cut enough.

Senator Jeff Sessions [R-AL]-Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee says this budget doesn't avoid fiscal nightmare. "Mr. Lew says on the television program that we will be paying down our debt. There is no plan in this budget to pay down the debt." The budget calls for a one trillion cut over ten years. So basically we will be going from 14 trillion in budget to 13 trillion. Wow that is a big cut. To cut the budget only one trillion dollars is not good enough. The president does not reduce any spending in any of the years in his proposal.

With the proposed plan, I wonder does the president really want to fix the deficit problem. The president needs to do something. According to Speaker of the House John Boehner [R-OH] "We are broke." Congressman Scott Garrett, Vice Chairman of the House Budget Committee [R-NJ] had the best quote when talking about Obama and his budget proposal, "Just knowing this, the budget that he's [Obama] given us really kicks the problem down the road, just like everything else he's done since coming into office." The deficit has double since Obama has come into office and most likely will triple by the time this is over. The budget does not even touch entitlements. 85% of federal budget remains off-limits for spending cuts. This means that only 15% of the budget is being discussed. Republicans want more cuts to the budget.

Here is how the Budget Proposal breaks down for 2012. The 2012 fiscal year starts October 1st.
-$1.1 Trillion in Deficit cuts over 10 years
-2/3= Budget Cuts
-1/3= Tax increase
- National Debt is $14 Trillion
Senator John Cornyn [R-TX] says he is disappointed that the president made such a half hearted effort. You can read part of the budget here at

The Rent Is Too Damn High Party's Jimmy McMillan at the NY Governor Debate

2012 and other Thoughts

Reminder: These are my ideas/thoughts. They are not the ideas/thoughts of other people.

2012 is quickly approaching. It's not going to be hard to beat Obama in 2012. He is beating himself with all the decisions that he is making. I guess he is not really concerned about winning re-election. If the pattern continues, I and hope it does not, Obama will win re-election in 2012 and the Republicans will win again in 2016. Bill Clinton [D] had a two year term. George W. Bush [R] [I like Bush] had a two year term. I hope the streak breaks or we will have four more years of lies and will have to deal with an administration that is bringing down America.
It is still too early to decide who will throw their name in the ring for president. A few candidates have decided to form exploratory committees. Those candidates include Fred Karger of California and Herman Cain of Georgia. One candidate has already declared that he is running for president on the ticket of Rent is Too Damn High Party. His name is Jimmy McMillan. If you have not heard of this guy go check him out. He is interesting. On my previous post is Jimmy McMillan in the 2010 New York gubernatorial elections.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Political Positions

This is where I stand on some of the issues in America. You can agree with me or not. It is completely up to you. I might offend some people. I am telling you this right now. Sorry.

Fiscal policy and taxation- support tax cuts for the wealthy.

Energy Policy- support nuclear power and drilling. Drill here, drill now.

Health Care- I hate Obama's health care policy. Support free-market health care. I oppose universal health plan.

War- I am in support of the war. Since we have been there, nothing bad has happened to America.

Anti-terrorism- Go waterboarding. It works.

Flag Burning- Dont do it. I support the constitutional amendment banning burning the flag. It should be a crime.

Guns- I support guns. I am from Texas. Hell yeah.

Abortion- I am against abortion and I am pro-life. The woman should hear the heart beat and see the picture.

Death Penalty- Hell yeah. I am from Texas. I am for the death penalty.

LGBT issues- I oppose same sex marriage. Marriage is between man and woman. They should ban same sex marriage.

Stem Cell Research- Oppose federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.

Medical Marijuana- I oppoese the use of marijuana for medical purposes.

Immigration- Need better border security. Send the illegal immigrants back. If they want to do it legally that is fine with me. If you are pregnant with a baby, dont come over here illegally and have the kid just so they can be a U.S. citizen.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I am Zach Beal. I am a sophomore at the University of Houston. I am 20 years old. I don't like Obama or the Democrats. I am a die hard Conservative-Republican. I tell it like it is and I don't care if you agree with me or not.

The president's main job is to do whats best for the country. Obviously Barack Obama, the current president, doesn't follow that rule. The president does things that constantly go against the wishes of most Americans. There are a few people out there that love the president no matter what he says or does. They need to be tested to check if they are crazy.
That thing that got Obama elected was his youthfulness [have you checked out the number of gray hairs that he has lately] and his wordplay. He smartly took advantage of the social networks like Twitter and Facebook. He used Facebook to get his message of "change" and "hope" to the American people. He has 18.3 million followers on Facebook. I have to admit that using the social media networks, especially Facebook was a smart move on his election campaign staff. This is where the agreeing with Obama stops.
Twenty six of the fifty states attorney generals think the Obamacare is unconstitutional, yet the president is still going through with his health care plan. Obamacare is Obama's baby. I don't understand why the Democrats want to force people to buy government mandated health care. If the Supreme Court finds that Obamacare does not violate the Constitution and it passes, American citizens will be forced to buy health care. If they do not, they will be charged a tax. Come on Justice Kennedy, we are all pulling for you. Do the right thing. The vote will be tied at 4 a piece and Justice Kennedy will be the deciding voter.
When I think of Obama, one word comes to my mind: Lie. This president lies as much as a bank robber holding stolen money saying he didn't rob the money. Sure, most presidents lie to get elected, but Obama took that to the next level. When he was running for president, Obama wrote on website "... They [the lobbyists] have not funded my campaign, they will not run my White House, and they will not drown out the voices of the American people when I am president." Obama made that statement in November of 2007 in Des Moines, Iowa. In the first two weeks of his administration, the man who said that lobbyists had no spot in his White House, had waived that rule for seventeen people. His new chief of staff Bill Daley was a former lobbyist.
A president has to have people around him that the American people can trust. With the Obama administration, people don't trust him or his supporting cast. The president's approval rating has fallen from 65% at the time of his inauguration to between 45%-50& now. People that voted for Obama have turned there back on the president.
If you look at some of the most successful presidents in history, they have some things in common. They are great orators, they do what is in the country's best interest. Ronald Reagan was the "Great Communicator." Abraham Lincoln wrote the famous Gettysburg Address. The Gettysburg Address was written in 1863 by Abraham Lincoln. The speech was written by Lincoln on hist way to the dedication ceremony. All presidents have speech writers that write for them. They collaborate with the presidents, but most of the words come from the writers.
What is good is not always right, what is right is not always good. Presidents have tough decisions that can change history. George W. Bush had to make the decision what to do after the September 11th attack. Lincoln made the decision to sign the Emancipation Proclamation which freed the slaves. The toughest decision that had to be made by a president was put on the shoulders of Harry S. Truman. The decision was to drop the Atomic Bomb on Japan. After the sudden death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt during his fourth term in office, Truman was put between a rock and a hard place. Does he want to keep fighting World War II or should he put an end to it? The decision was made to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The first bomb was dropped August 6, 1945 and the second bomb was dropped August 9, 1945. The U.S., U.K. and China called for Japan to surrender. Japan did not surrender, so the U.S. dropped the two bombs. It was a tough decision to make, but it was a decision that had to be made.
-Zach Beal