Monday, February 14, 2011

2012 and other Thoughts

Reminder: These are my ideas/thoughts. They are not the ideas/thoughts of other people.

2012 is quickly approaching. It's not going to be hard to beat Obama in 2012. He is beating himself with all the decisions that he is making. I guess he is not really concerned about winning re-election. If the pattern continues, I and hope it does not, Obama will win re-election in 2012 and the Republicans will win again in 2016. Bill Clinton [D] had a two year term. George W. Bush [R] [I like Bush] had a two year term. I hope the streak breaks or we will have four more years of lies and will have to deal with an administration that is bringing down America.
It is still too early to decide who will throw their name in the ring for president. A few candidates have decided to form exploratory committees. Those candidates include Fred Karger of California and Herman Cain of Georgia. One candidate has already declared that he is running for president on the ticket of Rent is Too Damn High Party. His name is Jimmy McMillan. If you have not heard of this guy go check him out. He is interesting. On my previous post is Jimmy McMillan in the 2010 New York gubernatorial elections.

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