Sunday, February 13, 2011

Political Positions

This is where I stand on some of the issues in America. You can agree with me or not. It is completely up to you. I might offend some people. I am telling you this right now. Sorry.

Fiscal policy and taxation- support tax cuts for the wealthy.

Energy Policy- support nuclear power and drilling. Drill here, drill now.

Health Care- I hate Obama's health care policy. Support free-market health care. I oppose universal health plan.

War- I am in support of the war. Since we have been there, nothing bad has happened to America.

Anti-terrorism- Go waterboarding. It works.

Flag Burning- Dont do it. I support the constitutional amendment banning burning the flag. It should be a crime.

Guns- I support guns. I am from Texas. Hell yeah.

Abortion- I am against abortion and I am pro-life. The woman should hear the heart beat and see the picture.

Death Penalty- Hell yeah. I am from Texas. I am for the death penalty.

LGBT issues- I oppose same sex marriage. Marriage is between man and woman. They should ban same sex marriage.

Stem Cell Research- Oppose federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.

Medical Marijuana- I oppoese the use of marijuana for medical purposes.

Immigration- Need better border security. Send the illegal immigrants back. If they want to do it legally that is fine with me. If you are pregnant with a baby, dont come over here illegally and have the kid just so they can be a U.S. citizen.

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